Learn about our fees
Fee table
Order Type | Expedited Service | Regular Service |
Main Application | $750 CAD ($525 USD)* | $650 USD ($845 CAD)* |
Additional regulator, same profession | No fee | $55 USD ($70 CAD)* |
Additional regulator, different profession | No fee | $220 USD ($285 CAD)* |
Ported Advisory Report to additional regulators, same profession | — | Up to $45 USD ($60 CAD)* |
Reactivation of expired application | $240 CAD ($175 USD)* | $180 USD ($25 CAD)* |
NNAS document translation (per page) | $115 CAD ($80 USD)* | $85 USD ($110 CAD)* |
Appeals | $500 CAD ($350 USD)* | $500 USD ($650 CAD)* |
*The Regular Service fees are charged in USD. Expedited Service fees are charged in CAD. Note converted dollar amount noted is approximate only. To calculate the exchange rates, go to https://apps.royalbank.com/apps/foreign-exchange-calculator. |
Expedited Service
$750 CAD for multiple professions and regulators.
Our Expedited Service provides a simple, fast, and safe way to review your credentials. Under this service, applicants can complete the credentialing process for a registered nurse (RN) or practical nurse (LPN) at the same time for a single price.
Applicants can also request that an Advisory Report be sent to multiple regulatory bodies at no additional cost. Additional regulatory bodies must be selected while your main application order is open and before an Advisory Report is issued. Advisory Reports are released within five business days of all documents being received. Your fee includes an assessment of your nursing education at the country level where that is available.
Please note that NNAS does not issue refunds.
Regular Service
$650 USD (approximately $845 CDN) for one profession and one regulator.
Advisory Reports issued through the Regular Service are based on NNAS’s original service. In the Regular Service, you must pay a main application order fee that includes one profession and regulator. You will pay additional fees if you wish to add more regulators or professions. Your fee includes an individual assessment of the nursing education curriculum submitted by your school. Advisory Reports are issued in twelve weeks (about three months).
Please note that NNAS does not issue refunds.
Other Important Information
Selecting regulators that will receive your Advisory Report
When starting your application, you will be asked to select a main regulator or “main order.” You can also select additional regulators at any time while your application is open. Your main order will be active for 12 months. The expiry date of your application will be calculated based on the date you first paid your application fee and started the process.
If you are applying through the Expedited Service, your Advisory Report can be issued to both RN and LPN regulators. There is no extra fee for selecting additional regulators in the Expedited Service. However, you must select any additional regulator while your main application is open and before your Advisory Report is issued.
If you are applying through the Regular Service, there is an additional fee for additional regulators within the same profession. As well, there is an additional fee for each additional nursing profession you select in the Regular Service. Please check the fee schedule for details. Please note that you must select an additional regulator or profession while your main application is open and before your Advisory Report is issued.
Access to your Advisory Report
You will have access to your Advisory Report for one year from the date it is released. Your application will be open for 12 months from the date you paid your application fee.
Reactivating an Expired Application
If all required documents for your Advisory Report are not received and accepted by NNAS within 12 months of purchasing the Main Application Order, it will expire, and you will need to re-apply and pay the application fee again. You can re-activate a main application order within 12 months of the expiry date. This may only be done once.
Porting a completed Advisory Report
If your Advisory Report has been issued under the Regular Service, you can port your Advisory Report to a different regulatory body other than the one indicated in your main application order. Advisory Reports can only be ported for the same profession. You can only port Advisory Reports within 12 months from the date the original report was issued.
Advisory Reports issued under the Expedited Service cannot be ported. However, you can have your Advisory Report issued to multiple regulatory bodies for no additional fees. You can select all participating regulatory bodies you are interested in applying to while your main application is open and before your Advisory Report is issued.
Document Translation
All documents for your NNAS application must be written or translated into English or French. Some regulators require documents to be sent in English only. Please check the requirements of the regulatory body (or bodies) to which you are applying.
Translations can be done in three ways.
- By an approved source agency (for example, a school or licensing authority)
- By a certified translator
All translated documents must include:
- The translator’s official stamp and/or identification number, address, phone number and the date of translation.
- A statement by the translator that it is a true representation of original document(s).
- The printed name and original signature of the translator.
Applicants are responsible for all translation costs associated with their application. Please check fees from various sources to find the right choice for you.
Appeals to NNAS
You may submit an appeal through a written request to NNAS if you believe that your assessment was inaccurate. NNAS will review your case and send you a written response.
The appeal fee is $500 CDN for the Expedited Service and $500 USD for the Regular Service. (The appeal fee is refundable if the appeal is successful.)