Our Role

Our Role

We are a trusted and efficient credentialing service and the first step towards becoming a nurse in Canada. 

Our role 

We are an efficient and trusted credentialing service for Internationally Educated Nurses interested in becoming a nurse in Canada. We collect and verify nursing credentials. We share accurate and verified information that helps nursing regulatory bodies in making licensing decisions. Our reports are accepted by all nursing regulatory bodies in Canada (except in Québec and the Territories).

Our process ensures a consistent approach to collecting and verifying required documents. They are put into a single document called an Advisory Report, which can be sent to the nursing regulators that you choose. We also provide nursing regulatory bodies with an assessment of how your education compares to the Canadian Nursing Entry to Practice competencies. 

More about NNAS 

NNAS is a non-profit organization whose membership is composed of 18 nursing regulatory bodies across Canada. It includes all nursing regulatory bodies in Canada except those in Québec and the Territories.

With over a decade of experience helping IENs, and strong working relationships with nursing regulators, NNAS is proud to be a reliable and established guide.

Note on our role

NNAS does not grant licences to practise nursing. NNAS does not have a role in making decisions about licences, nor can NNAS advocate on behalf of any applicant. Only nursing regulatory bodies have the authority to decide whether an application is successful. Nursing regulatory bodies in each province set the registration criteria. Therefore, it is important for all applicants to carefully review the licensing requirements of the regulators where they wish to apply.